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DJ-ImageSlider 4.1 with customise slider option, new features and bug fixes
07 January 2020
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DJ-ImageSlider 4.1 with customise slider option, new features and bug fixes

26 November, 2021

It took a while since the DJ-ImageSlider 4.1 Beta with the customizer release. The stable version is now ready.

We need to thank all users who tested the beta version, shared their thoughts and ideas.

Let's summarize all implemented changes and see how the new features work.

Due to the introduction of new options, we have also updated the DJ-ImageSlider FAQ section and Documentation

Slider customization

The main new Joomla free slideshow features in this stable release (read beta release note from the Blog to learn more) are related to new slider customization options introduced in the "Customize slider" tab in each DJ-ImageSlider module. Use them to prepare the slides with a more personal touch. 

See the demo of customized sliders

The big changes in slides customization were already introduced in the blog post: Test the latest Beta of DJ-ImageSlider.

Now you can customize the DJ-ImageSlider module better than before and display sliders with unregular shapes, and customized colors for each element.
The slide customization options include the possibility of using the border-radius feature, different fonts for title, description and adding colors.

You can control the display of each of the elements (hide or show title, description, read more), customize the read more text, set linking of the title, description or restrict the number of the characters in the description or positioning of the control buttons.

Fonts customization options

New options work for:

  • Title color, transparency, font
  • Description color, transparency, font
  • Readmore color, transparency, font

You can choose between generic system fonts or Google Fonts for mentioned elements.

Border radius feature

You can add the CSS border-radius element that will make the slider more attractive. To use this option, enter the appropriate values to the Border radius field.

Let's see the available settings, configured for our example:

Take a look at how a customized slide presents on the front page:

As you see the configuration uses the border-radius feature. 

See how to customize slide in DJ-ImageSlider

Include subcategories

There is a possibility to attach subcategories to a given slider.  You can display slides from the main category and include all subcategories.

This feature works if the "Slider source" is set to "component."

Joomla 4 Alpha compatibility

DJ-ImageSlider is compatible with Joomla 4 Alpha since version 4.0.0 release.

The current 4.1 version was also successfully tested on Joomla 4 Alpha installation.

Joomla 4 is on the horizon. The latest release was version Alpha 12. You can prepare for this release, and use the DJ-ImageSlider extension.

Read the latest Joomla 4 news here: Joomla 4 Alpha 12 is now available.


You can also find fixes for the issues that were noticed. Check the changelog to see the whole list of changes and fixes.

DJ-MediaTools 50% discount

For a limited time, until January 15th, 2020, you can purchase DJ-MediaTools Joomla gallery and slideshow extension 50% OFF.

We have a special coupon code for you for 50%:

You can also combine this coupon with your automatic 25% discount for renewal. Just renew your subscription and use the discount coupon in the 3rd step of the checkout.

DJ-MediaTools is a responsive gallery and slideshow extension for Joomla that mixes both functionalities! It allows to easily create beautiful galleries or eye-catching slideshows containing images, videos or content automatically fetched from other extensions.

This extension comes with 10 available layouts (you can display each album in any layout you need).

Thanks to integrations with other extensions, gallery images can be taken from different sources like Joomla articles, HikaShop, DJ-Catalog2, Facebook, K2, EasyBlog, DJ-Classifieds, Disqus, VirtueMart, Joomla SobiPro, JComments, and Falang.

Want to know more?

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